Modern manufacturing engineering studies include all intermediate processes required for the production and integration of a product’s components. Capacity utilization numbers are presented as a percentage, with 100 indicating maximum capacity. Note in figure 1 that capacity utilization (red line) dropped dramatically in both 2008 and 2020, times of recession when manufacturers responded to falling demand by shutting down factories and energy production either temporarily or permanently. Manufacturing makes up around 11% of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) and a whopping 70% of research and development (R&D) spending. If you’ve ever filled a prescription, shopped at a grocery store, bought a newly constructed home, or shopped for electronic goods, you’ve contributed to the U.S. manufacturing sector. Leading subsectors of U.S. manufacturing include chemicals and pharmaceuticals, food and tobacco, furniture, motor vehicles, and electronic equipment.

Industrial production refers to the output of industrial establishments and covers sectors such as mining, manufacturing, electricity, gas and steam and air-conditioning. This indicator is measured in an index based on a reference period that expresses change in the volume of production output. For example, there is composite activity, which uses many types of machinery, tools and equipment. There are also several layers of automation used that can include computers, robots or cloud-based technologies. The Industrial Production Index is a crucial economic indicator that measures the output of various sectors within an economy, such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities.

Some machine shops use this type of industrial process and make parts for the aviation industry. Some businesses move from job shop to repetitive manufacturing when they need to scale for greater productivity. Let’s explore a deeper definition of industrial processes and then break it down into different types.

  1. Note in figure 1 that capacity utilization (red line) dropped dramatically in both 2008 and 2020, times of recession when manufacturers responded to falling demand by shutting down factories and energy production either temporarily or permanently.
  2. This integration allows the processes to exchange information and to initiate actions.
  3. When the high-level view of a dashboard isn’t deep enough, one-click reports pull up more data on everything from time to timesheets.
  4. Manufacturing makes up around 11% of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) and a whopping 70% of research and development (R&D) spending.
  5. Generally speaking, industrial processes are another method to take raw materials and transform them into finished products.

Relatively high increases were recorded for the mining of coal and lignite, for pharmaceutical products, for mining support activities but also for computers and electronical equipment. On the other side of the spectrum the production of chemical products declined by 6.1 %, the extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas dropped by 6.0 % and the production of basic metals by 4.2 %. Driven by customer demand and the availability of raw materials, this type of manufacturing is similar to discrete and job shop processes.

Repetitive Manufacturing

These are generally characterized or determined by unusually high strength fibres with unusually high stiffness, or modulus of elasticity characteristics, compared to other materials, while bound together by weaker matrices. Advanced composite materials have broad, proven applications, in the aircraft, aerospace, and sports equipment sectors. Even more specifically ACMs are very attractive for aircraft and aerospace structural parts. The industry can be generally divided into two basic segments, industrial composites and advanced composites.

Nearly at the same time, parts of Europe and several East Asian economies pursued an alternative strategy of export-led growth. This strategy emphasized the deliberate pursuit of foreign trade to build exporting industries and depended in part on maintaining a weak currency to make exports more attractive to foreign buyers. In the post-Second World War era, developing nations across Latin America and Africa adopted a strategy of import-substituting industrialization, which involved protectionist barriers to trade coupled with direct subsidization or nationalization of domestic industries. In Europe, the era was characterized by a surge in local manufacturing of goods for export, made possible by a growing population of consumers.

Economic Indicators

Depending on the business, one kind of industrial process can be more effective than another. The most common types of manufacturing processes include casting, molding, forming, joining, plating and additive. There are, of course, many other examples of industrial processes from distillation, which purifies volatile substances through evaporation and condensation and metalworking. Industrial processes are used in heavy manufacturing industries during large-scale projects. Having robust and efficient industrial processes is instrumental in a modern manufacturing business.


The industrial production index (IPI) is a monthly economic indicator measuring real output in the manufacturing, mining, electric, and gas industries, relative to a base year. In order to keep track of all the industrial processes and to make sure you’re on schedule and keep to your project, requires work and project management software. ProjectManager is a cloud-based tool that delivers real-time data so managers can better schedule, track and respond to issues as they arise in the manufacturing process. The undergraduate degree curriculum generally includes courses in physics, mathematics, computer science, project management, and specific topics in mechanical and manufacturing engineering.

The IPI is calculated by measuring the real production output of manufacturing, mining, and utilities and comparing it to a base year. It’s then weighted based on the contribution of different industries to the gross domestic product (GDP). Despite its name the industrial production index is not intended to measure production but should – in theory – reflect the development of value added in the different branches of industry. This means that the inputs obtained by one branch from another must be deducted from its gross output. In this way double counting of production is prevented and the degree of vertical integration of branches should not influence the results for the indicator. You can find the use of industrial processes in everything from batteries to automobile parts.

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What Is the Industrial Production Index (IPI)?

Already such small devices, known as Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), are used in automobiles to initiate the deployment of airbags, in digital projectors to create sharper images, and in inkjet printers to create nozzles for high-definition printing. In future it is hoped that such devices will be used in tiny implantable medical devices and to improve optical communication. The industrial production index (IPI) measures levels of production in the manufacturing, mining—including oil and gas field drilling services—and electrical and gas utilities sectors. It also measures capacity, an estimate of the production levels that could be sustainably maintained; and capacity utilization, the ratio of actual output to capacity. Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) in engineering is a method of manufacturing in which the entire production process is controlled by computer.

ProjectManager is award-winning software that helps organize work and streamline processes to add efficiency and boost productivity. You get everything from resource and task management to roadmaps to manage all your projects in one place. ProjectManager has workflow automation to streamline your production and task authorization to make sure that the quality of your products stays high. Add a collaborative platform that allows for everyone to share plans, files and comments and you have the only software solution you’ll need. This process takes impure materials and purifies them by separation, which creates a product that can be used in production. This is done by reducing the size of particles by comminution, separating materials with froth flotation and the flotation process.

Industrial Production: Manufacturing (NAICS) (IPMAN)

Companies that use this industrial process example include those that produce electronic goods, automotive and durable consumer goods, etc. Drafting or technical drawing is the means by which manufacturers create instructions for manufacturing parts. A technical drawing can be a computer model or hand-drawn schematic showing all the dimensions necessary to manufacture a part, as well as assembly notes, a list of required materials, and other pertinent information. A skilled worker who creates technical drawings may be referred to as a drafter or draftsman. Drafting has historically been a two-dimensional process, but computer-aided design (CAD) programs now allow the designer to create in three dimensions. Instructions for manufacturing a part must be fed to the necessary machinery, either manually, through programmed instructions, or through the use of a computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) or combined CAD/CAM program.

Great Britain played an outsized role in the process through technological innovations such as steam-powered machinery. The most dramatic example in recent history is that of China, where government policy changes in the late 20th century led to the nation’s transition from an economy based on subsistence farming to a global manufacturing powerhouse. Industrialization can be driven by a combination of factors including government policy, labor-saving inventions, entrepreneurial ambitions, and a demand for goods and services. It has profound implications for the population, causing a wave of migration from small farms to cities and towns where jobs can be found. Cutting is an industrial process that is used in shearing, sawing, plasma cutting, water-jet cutting, oxyacetylene cutting, electrical discharge machining (EDM) and laser cutting.

The objective is to improve efficiency, drive up effectiveness of manufacturing, quality control, and to reduce cost while making their products more attractive and marketable. Industrial engineering is concerned with the development, improvement, and implementation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials, as well as analysis and synthesis. Production engineering also overlaps substantially with manufacturing engineering and industrial engineering.[4] The concept of production engineering is interchangeable with manufacturing engineering. Industrial production measures the output of the industrial sector, which typically comprises mining, manufacturing, utilities and, in some cases, construction. The industrial production indicator is generally provided as an index in volume terms. Annual variation in industrial production as a percentage thus reflects the change in the volume of industrial output as compared to the previous year.

In December, mining output increased 0.9 percent, and the output of utilities decreased 1.0 percent. For the fourth quarter, the output of mines fell 3.4 percent (annual rate) after increasing in the previous two quarters. The index for utilities dropped 8.2 percent (annual rate) in the fourth quarter after jumping over 15 percent in the previous quarter. They involve chemical, physical, electrical and mechanical steps that help in the manufacturing process. Metal fabrication is the building of metal structures by cutting, bending, and assembling processes.